photo on the right: hindwing eyespot of Peanut-head Bug- Kenji Nishida & Tracy Johnson. 2010. Survey for Natural Enemies of Bocconia frutescens in Costa Rica. 2010 Hawai’i Conservation Conference. Pacific Ecosystem Managemente & Restoration: Applying Traditional and Western Knowledge Systems. August 4-6, 2010 • Hawai‘i Convention Center • Honolulu, HI, USA.
- Kenji Nishida. 2009. コスタリカの蝶と写真とビデオと電子顕微鏡画像で観るベニモンシジミの生態&幼生期の形態. 日本蝶類学会(テングアゲハ)総会・大会. 2009年12月12日 東京大学, Tokyo, Japan. Open/Download Presentation
- Sohn Jae-Cheon, Davis, Donald, & Nishida, Kenji. 2009. Eucalantica: A Lost Child of Saridoscelinae, A Subfamily New to the New World. The 57th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. December 13-16, 2009. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Open/Download program abstract
- Sohn Jae-Cheon, Davis, Donald, & Nishida, Kenji. 2009. Eucalantica: A Lost Child of Saridoscelinae, A Subfamily New to the New World. Tercer Encuentro Sobre Lepidoptera Neotropical, Lepdopterists’ Society Meeting and Association for Tropical Lepidoptera. September 20-22, 2009 Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Open/Download program abstract
- Paul Hanson, Jorge Gómez-Laurito, Kenji Nishida. 2009. Host relationships of gall-inducing insects in Costa Rica. V Symposium on the Biology of Gall Inducing Arthropods – August 09-14, 2009, Serra Do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Open/Download 「コスタリカのゴールを形成する節足動物とホストとの関係」
- 矢後 勝也、西田 賢司、渡辺 康之、上島 励.2008. チョウ類・シジミタテハ科の分子系統と生物地理.日本昆虫学会第68 回大会、香川県高松市、香川大学幸町キャンパス、2008年9月13 日~9月16日.
- Hanson, P., K. Nishida, and J. Gómez Laurito. 2007. Gall-inducing insects of Costa Rica: diversity, host plants and parasitoids. Presented in Congress of ‘Geography of gall-inducing insects in South and Meso-America’. 30 Setembro a 04 de Outubro de 2007 – Recife/Brasil. Open/Download
- Koster, S., M. Alfaro-Alpízar, F. Badenes-Pérez , and K. Nishida. 2007. Two species of the Mompha trithalama-complex (Lepidoptera: Momphidae) as possible Biological control agents of Koster’s curse and velvet tree. The XV European Congress of Lepidopterology at Berlin from 8 – 12 September 2007. Open/Download
- Nishida, K. and W. E. Miller. 2005. Diversity of gall-inducing Lepidoptera: toward the world synoptic list. (4th international symposium of gall-forming arthropods, September 2005, Kyoto Japan) Open/Download
- Nishida, K. 2004. Life history of Euselasia chrysippe and E. bettina (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Riodininae) on Miconia calvescens (Melastomataceae) in Costa Rica. (XXII International Congress of Entomology 15-21 August, 2004 -Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) Open/Download
- Nishida, K. 2004. Diversity and biology of gall-inducing Lepidoptera in Costa Rica. (XXII International Congress of Entomology 15-21 August, 2004 -Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) and (4th international symposium of gall-forming arthropods, September 2005, Kyoto Japan) Open/Download
- Nishida, K. and D. Adamski. 2004. Life stages and biology of Filinota brunniceps (Felder & Rogenhofer) (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae: Depressariinae) from Costa Rica. (XXII International Congress of Entomology 15-21 August, 2004 -Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) Open/Download
- Rojas, E., L. Madrigal, E. Chacón, P. Allen, E. Castro, K. Nishida, P. Hanson, and T. Johnson. 2004. Biological control of Miconia calvescens: natural enemies from Costa Rica. (HCC 2004) Open/Download
- Weng, J., K. Nishida, and P. E. Hanson. 2004. The biology of Lissoderes pusillus Hespenheide (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Conoderinae) in Cercopia (Cecropiaceae) saplings. (XXII International Congress of Entomology 15-21 August, 2004 -Brisbane, Queensland, Australia). Open/Download
- Solis, M. A., S. Yen, D. R. Davis, K. Nishida, J. A. Goolsby. 2001. Systematics and biology of fern-feeding musotimines (Pyraloidea: Crambidae). (The ESA 2001 Annual Meeting – December 2001). Open/Download